Tuesday, September 08, 2009

Day 3 / CALL TO ACTION / Prayer and Fasting for Maia Campbell

On Day 3 of my fast for Maia Campbell and our misguided American youth, I read on NecoleBitchie.com that Maia Campbell is now getting the treatment she needs! Who said there was no power in prayer????? Yep, so as a result of Maia being in a more controlled environment, I now am fasting for her complete recovery and also for her mind, body, and spirit.
Ask yourself: Am I a part of the PROBLEM or a part of the SOLUTION?????

Written by Necole Bitchie under Celebrities

'Last last week, actress Maia Campbell was ridiculed after a video of her sitting in a car circulated the internet. Some sites contributed her odd behavior to drugs while others claimed she suffered from schizophrenia. A friend of her mother Bebe Moore Campbell reached out to the website Black Web 2.0 and revealed that Maia had actually been diagnosed with bi-polar/manic depression and since substance abuse is involved, she has symptons that are similar to schizophrenia. She also revealed that your prayers have worked as Maia Campbell is currently in treatment:

Maia is in treatment. And she said that there is hope for Maia’s recovery but the prayers of “50,000,000″ people can make the difference, because Maia doesn’t like to stay in treatment, and her treatment involves drug withdrawal as well as treatment for her disorders. She asked me to tell you that Maia’s disorders are exasperated and sent out of control by substance abuse. Pre-existing and early onset bi-polar, clinical depression and schizophrenia can be sent out of control by marijuana (the worst culprit), alcohol and of course, synthetic and street drugs. Maintain your hope for Maia’s recovery. Nancy said, “She can use her beauty, talent, and celebrity for the good of others.”
This is good news and I truly hope she stays in treatment. This has been on-going for the past few years. Props to comedian Lil Duval for starting the “pray 4 Maia Campbell” trending topic on twitter. Prayer works! "

In a World full of CHAOS I'd be remiss
to not let you know to HOLD ON - POSSIBILITIES EXIST™
I love you, and there's absolutely, positively, nothin you can do about it!!!

Dawn The Self-Esteem Queen™

© 2009 Dawn The Self-Esteem Queen™ All rights reserved.
H.O.P.E (Hold on, Possibilities Exist) is a Registered Trademark for Dawn Johnson/SEQ Publications, Inc. All rights reserved.

ABOUT THE AUTHOR - Dawn The Self Esteem Queen™ is an internationally recognized motivational speaker, author, business coach & small business consultant, serial entrepreneur and spoken word artist. Founder of the SEQ/H.O.P.E. Movement™, Dawn uses her trials to mentor, minister, and coach people all over the World. One of today’s leading experts on teen mentoring, self-esteem enhancement, personal & professional leadership, and entrepreneur development, Dawn’s mission in life is to teach individuals how to BE BETTER Human Beings. Her goal is to raise awareness and eradicate the exploitation of teenagers all over the Globe. Her Current Projects include: SEQ Collection Clothing, H.O.P.E. Platinum Coaching™, Sessions with The SEQ™, Stop Teenage Prostitution™, What Does Cancer Look Like™, Consumer Vigilantes™,& the highly anticipated H.O.P.E. Mindset™ Program.

NOTE: You’re certainly welcome to “reprint” this article online as long as its contents remain unaltered (including the “about the author” info at the end), and you send a copy of your reprint to info@selfesteemqueen.com

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